Frequently Asked Questions
Knowledge empowers people with our most powerful tool: the ability to think and decide.
~Seymour Simon
What is IVF?
IVF is a process of fertilisation and an assisted reproductive technology used for infertility treatment. During the process, the egg is combined with the sperm outside the body to fertilise or form an embryo.
An IVF cycle takes about one month from the day you start taking medication to your pregnancy test. It includes ovarian stimulation monitoring, egg retrieval procedure, semen preparation, fertilization and culture of the eggs, and the embryo transfer procedure.
Two weeks following the transfer, a blood test is taken to determine if the procedure resulted in a pregnancy. It is a quick and painless process that does not require the patient to halt their daily activities.
What is an IVF lab?
An IVF lab, also referred to as an embryology lab, is most commonly used to freeze eggs and create embryos.Prior to a transfer, this is where the embryos are cultured, and where delicate, highly sophisticated procedures are performed. The lab is an often invisible factor which deeply affects IVF treatment, and it can make or break the success of a cycle. At Eva Care, we acknowledge the importance of a full service IVF lab that is more than equipped to serve the requirements.
Are frozen eggs just as likely to produce results as fresh eggs?
It’s important to understand that there have only been a limited number of studies that have looked at success rates using frozen eggs. However, judging from some of the best studies and data available, when eggs are frozen and subsequently thawed in a high-quality lab, they appear to have a nearly equal potential to produce a healthy pregnancy to fresh eggs.
Is egg freezing different from in vitro fertilization (IVF)?
Yes. Although both the procedures share common first steps and the process of egg retrieval, with IVF, the goal is usually to get pregnant and have a baby ASAP. Those retrieved eggs are then fertilized with sperm to create an embryo that’s transferred to the woman’s uterus. With egg freezing,there’s no creation of an embryo because the goal is simply to preserve your unfertilized eggs for the future.
What are the success rates of IUI and IVF?
- Medicated IUI has a success rate of 10-15% in contrast to Doctor Aradhna’s success rate of 25%
- IVF without genetic testing has about a 40-50% success rate while Doctor Aradhna has been able to achieve a success rate of 70-80%
- IVF with genetic testing has about a 50-60% success rate.
What are the risks?
IVF is generally very safe and most who have it experience no problems with their health or pregnancy. However, there are some risks to be aware of, which include:
- OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome), which is a severe reaction to fertility drugs
- Multiple births
- Premature delivery
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Birth defects (these are rare and research is still ongoing)
What is the likelihood of developing OHSS?
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) affects 3% to 6% of women who go through IVF.
How often will I be seeing the team?
Once your cycle starts, you will come in for several quick monitoring visits 5-7 times over 10-12 days prior to your egg retrieval. The egg retrieval procedure at the end of your cycle lasts about 2-3 hours in the morning, but we do ask you to take the rest of the day off. About 5 days after the retrieval, you will return for your transfer procedure. No anesthesia is used for the transfer, so you can plan your day as you wish around it.
When does someone need IVF?
- If you have not been able to conceive naturally
- If your fallopian tubes are damaged, blocked, or have been surgically removed
- If you have poor ovarian reserve or function
- If you have failed IUI or clomid cycles
- If you have an ovulation disorder
- Premature ovarian failure
- Male factor infertility
- Unexplained infertility
What will happen if we don’t achieve pregnancy? How long before we can try again?
It varies person to person, but we mostly recommend waiting for a month.
Egg Freezing
What is egg freezing?
Egg freezing is a 12-14 day process of preserving some of your eggs by retrieving them from your ovaries, freezing them, and storing them so you can use them to conceive in the future.
Why would I consider preserving my eggs?
To preserve your options. You may not be ready to have a baby yet or you may wish to conceive later in the future. There are several other situations that advice towards preserving your fertility while your eggs are healthy. Some of these situations include, prospective ovarian surgery, declining ovarian reserve, radio or chemotherapy, history of early menopause in the family etc. Freezing your eggs buys you time and can give you more choices in the future.
Can I be on birth control and still freeze my eggs?
Yes, you generally do not need to stop your birth control to do an egg freezing cycle. You can keep your IUD if you have one.
I’m ready to freeze my eggs, what preparations do I need to make?
You’ll start by having a fertility assessment to finalise a personalised plan along with a timeline. You’ll need to clear your schedule of traveling for roughly 2 weeks. Once you decide on a stimulation start date with the doctor, you’ll be ready to go!
How long is an egg freezing cycle?
One cycle of egg freezing takes roughly 11-14 days from the first injection to the day of the egg retrieval. During those 14 days, you can go to work and continue your normal activities. The only day you need to make time or take off from work is the day of the egg retrieval because the egg retrieval is done under anesthesia. You’ll need to rest following your procedure, and should feel back to normal the next day!
If you are planning to do more than one cycle, we recommend waiting at least 1 month between, but you can wait as long as you want. The decision to do more than one cycle will be based on your age, the number of children you hope to have and the number of eggs that are retrieved from your first cycle.
What are the success rates of IUI and IVF?
- Medicated IUI has a success rate of 10-15% in contrast to Doctor Aradhna’s success rate of 25%
- IVF without genetic testing has about a 40-50% success rate while Doctor Aradhna has been able to achieve a success rate of 70-80%
- IVF with genetic testing has about a 50-60% success rate.
What happens to my eggs if I don't use them?
If you eventually decide to not use your eggs, you can discard them (remember an egg is a cell, not an embryo), or you can also donate your eggs to science. In addition, if prior to freezing your eggs, you already know you want to do a “directed donation” where you are giving someone your eggs, you will need to undergo some additional testing to screen for certain diseases that you could potentially pass on to your donee.
How long can I store my eggs?
Theoretically you can store your eggs forever! Once frozen, they’ll remain that way until you use them or they are discarded. There have been many healthy babies born from eggs frozen for 5–10 years, with the longest successful conception coming after 14 years. There is no evidence of the health or viability of frozen eggs decreasing over time.
What does age have to do with fertility?
The most predictive and important factor that affects fertility is our age. Age affects our eggs more than any other factor. Typically, the younger we are, the greater the quantity and quality of eggs we have.
What is ovarian reserve?
Ovarian reserve is your quantity of eggs. Women are born with all the eggs they’ll ever have in their lifetime. At birth, we have about 2 million eggs and by the time a woman has her first period, she is down to 300,000 to 400,000 ( we know, that is so unfair! ). We continue to lose eggs at a rate of about 1,000 a month.
Age also degrades the genetic material of our eggs which can make having a healthy pregnancy/conception tough. Eggs that are not chromosomally normal can result in miscarriage. Most miscarriages are, in fact, a result of genetically unhealthy embryos. Chromosomal abnormalities can also lead to congenital disorders like Down syndrome. It isn’t every egg that degrades as you get older, just a higher percentage. Hence, egg freezing is advised to preserve your fertility if you are unsure of your future conception plans.
What can I expect during the egg freezing process?
Egg freezing typically entails 9-11 days of hormone injections to stimulate your ovaries to grow multiple eggs in one menstrual cycle, instead of the single egg they would typically grow. During this period, you’ll have 5-7 short clinic visits including blood tests and vaginal ultrasound exams. At these visits, we’ll assess your individual response to the medication and possibly make adjustments depending on how your eggs are growing. Finally, there will be a 15-minute surgical procedure performed under mild anesthesia to retrieve the eggs from your ovaries. This whole process, from the beginning of the injections through to the retrieval, is called a “cycle.”
We will help you understand what to expect and provide you with the support you need every step of the way.
Does freezing my eggs affect my ability to conceive naturally?
We will only retrieve eggs that grew that month, which will dissolve (be lost) otherwise if not retrieved. So no, Egg freezing does not affect your natural ability to conceive.
How are the eggs retrieved?
While you are under anesthesia, the physician inserts a needle through the vaginal wall into each ovary to draw out the eggs and surrounding fluid. This is done with ultrasound guidance. The needle is attached to a catheter that is connected to a test tube. The eggs flow through the catheter into these test tubes, which are then handed off to the embryologist, a highly trained expert in the science of oocyte cryopreservation (that’s the technical name for egg freezing). The entire procedure takes about 10–15 minutes. There are no scars left or stitches required.
Is the egg freezing procedure painful? Will there by any side effects from the treatment?
Certain parts of the process can be uncomfortable depending on your sensitivity. The stimulation phase, during which you are injecting yourself with hormones, is generally more about inconvenience than it is about pain(frequent visits, daily injections).The needles for daily injections are very thin and you inject them into the fatty tissue around your belly. (Don’t worry—we will help you understand the process step by step. You’re never alone during this process!) Sometimes, the hormone medication may cause you to feel bloated and crampy due to your body responding to medication and growing more follicles this month. The vaginal ultrasound exams are not painful, but they can be a bit uncomfortable due to the nature of the procedure.
During the 10-15 minute procedure to retrieve the eggs, you’ll be under anesthesia and won’t feel anything. You may experience some discomfort when you wake up, like a little soreness in the vaginal area and/or some abdominal cramping, similar to how you might feel when you’re getting your period. It is a simple and painless process that does not require you to stop your day to day activities.
How long does it take to recover from the retrieval procedure?
We recommend you rest for the remainder of the day after the procedure. The vaginal soreness and cramping can last for a few days after the procedure. But usually, that’s about it.
At what age should I consider freezing my eggs?
In general, the younger you are, the better. This is because you’ll be able to produce and freeze more eggs in one cycle, with a greater percentage of them being genetically healthy. Typically, you’ll get the most healthy eggs before you turn 30, slightly fewer from 30–35, and then a much smaller yield over 35. Keep in mind, in your mid-to-late 30s or even 40s, you can at least partially compensate for low egg-quality by freezing more eggs to increase your odds. This usually requires multiple egg freezing cycles, but it can give you a comparable chance of eventually achieving a healthy pregnancy to that of a younger woman who froze fewer eggs.
How many eggs should I aim to freeze?
That depends on several factors, the most important one being age! That’s because your age at the time of freezing is the best way to predict the likelihood of any individual egg being genetically normal. The egg freezing assessment gives us a better picture of your current ovarian reserve.
If you are under 30 and you freeze at least 12 eggs, you can be pretty confident that if you decide to use them later on, they will ultimately yield a healthy pregnancy. If you are between the ages of 30 and 34, you should freeze about 20 eggs. If you are 35 or older, you should freeze at least 30 eggs. In short, more is always better, because it increases your odds of achieving a healthy pregnancy.
Of course, a successful pregnancy may be likely, but it is never a guarantee with frozen eggs (or fresh eggs, for that matter). The best available scientific data suggests that if you follow these guidelines you will have an 80% or greater chance of achieving at least one pregnancy, not taking into call any additional or unrelated fertility problems.
Am I likely to need more than one egg freezing procedure to preserve enough eggs?
It depends. Younger women also produce a higher percentage of genetically healthy eggs, so they need to freeze fewer to begin with. In general, when you are younger, you are likely to produce a larger number of eggs in one egg freezing cycle than when you are older. Most younger women will reach their egg-freezing target in just one attempt whereas older women are likely to need to complete multiple egg freezing cycles to reach their goal.
Third Party Reproduction
Would it be our child?
Yes. The primary concept of third party reproduction is to enable couples who are not able to naturally conceive, to experience the joy of family life. The genes of the child will be dependent on the type of third party reproduction the couple proceeds with.
Is third party reproduction legal?
Is third party reproduction legal?
A2. Yes, third party reproduction is legal in India. It is regulated and governed by certain laws to safeguard the rights of the parents, donors involved as well as the health and wellbeing of the child.
Whose genes would the child have?
In egg donor reproduction, the child would typically have the genes of the father of the couple desiring conception.
What are the chances of conception?
The chances of conception through third party reproduction are greater than 80%.
What is the process going to be like for donor eggs reproduction?
In case of egg donor reproduction, the process would be similar to that of IVF. After basic medical examinations including blood tests and ultrasound and a stimulation process of the ovaries, the donor’s eggs will be retrieved. These donor eggs will be fertilised with the male partner’s sperm and the resultant embryo will be placed inside the uterus of the female partner of the couple desiring conception.
What is the process going to be like for donor sperm eggs reproduction ?
In case of egg sperm reproduction, the process would be similar to that of IUI/IVF. After basic medical examinations including blood tests and ultrasound and a stimulation process of the ovaries, the eggs will be retrieved. These eggs will be fertilised with the donor sperm in IVF and the resultant embryo will be placed inside the uterus of the female partner of the couple desiring conception. Alternatively, the donor sperm will be directly placed inside the uterus of the female partner ( through IUI procedure ).
What is a typical GYN appointment?
Your appointment will cover any questions you may have about your reproductive health, including problems with your monthly period ,birth control options, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), pregnancy-related concerns, adolescent hormonal concerns, menopausal issues and other gynaecological acute or chronic ailments. Eva Care will go over all the things you need to know and do to keep healthy.
How do I prepare for my visit with the gynaecologist?
You should schedule your appointment in advance by clicking here. At your appointment, the doctor will ask you about your sexual and medical health history and any problems or concerns you have about your reproductive health. No questions or topics are off limits, and you should feel free to speak candidly to your doctor and medical team.
What are the different concerns Eva Care caters to , under gynaecology ?
At Eva Care, we cover all acute/chronic gyn and obstetrics concerns (including fibroids, endometriosis, tubal disease, complex ovarian cysts, pain with intercourse, urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, menopause, UTI, yeast infection, BV, irregular bleeding, pelvic pain and more ). We also provide preventive treatment or counselling for various concerns including contraception , ovarian health checkups amongst other services.
Does Eva Care perform diagnostic tests ?
Yes, we have ultrasounds / sonography tests being done in our clinic at Eva Care.
Eva Well Women
Do I need to identify an ailment/ have an existing medical condition before booking the packages?
Eva Well Women packages are for women of all age groups and it is not a prerequisite to identify an ailment for these packages to be helpful for you. In fact, the motive is to help you timely diagnose or prevent dormant ailments that may be a threat to a woman’s reproductive health. It is a yearly practice essential for all women alike.
When is the right time for a girl to start the Eva Well Women programme?
All girls should visit the clinic for a cervical vaccine at a recommended age of 10 years after which they should opt for an annual checkup programme starting anytime during their mid teens.
What is the need of these annual check up packages?
Prevention is better than cure. Eva Well Women is a complete cycle of wellness for women of all age groups. Our packages include cancer prevention, adolescence concerns, fertility checks, late stage concerns among others.